Friday, August 30, 2013

Two from the Florida Craftsmen Doll Show...

[More from the Lost Files fro the Summer of 2013...]

I found these two standouts from that show in this lost memory card. With apologies to the artists and the gallery....

From Eleanor Pigman, this Queen of Hearts done with beads. A bit on the crafty side, but a beautiful object.

Eleanor Pigman, "Queen of Hearts".

Fro Brenda Gregory, a relative rarity these days, a complex political work, with depth of feeling and intelligence, all modulated to great effect. Made from upcycled materials. It reminded me of Mexican Retablos...

Brenda Gregory, "Rise of the Industrial War Machine".

--- Luis

1 comment:

  1. I am so honored that you mentioned my piece!!!!! I follow your blog and have been moved by several of your posts…….Thank you!
