Sunday, May 5, 2013

"Under the Canopy": Jay Herres @ ARTicles

ARTicles Gallery (on left)

Jay Herres has a small gallery in the Crislip Arcade at 645 Central Ave in St. Pete called Moonstorm. This show is at ARTicles, Leslie Curran's gallery at 1445 Central Ave, St. Pete. "Under the Canopy" is a series of paintings of lyrically colored leaves more or less in planes, as if looking up, titled "Leaf".

Jay Herres, "Untitled #3"

These leaf paintings are realistic enough to be clearly recognizable as leaves, yet the color, spatial context and light is not. Plus there are bright openings in between the leaves.

The leaf forms are exquisitely rendered and compositionally balanced in an assymetrical manner. Forms relate and play here in a way that seems a bit surreal.Space, both positive and negative, plays a major role in this series. The viewer focuses on the leaves at first, then looks beyond them, where things are nebulous and atmospheric. Mystical and mysterious, these paintings flirt with the decorative yet engage the viewer's imagination.

--- Luis

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