Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Take Two @ Station Number Three

When I reported on opening night at Station Number Three (S#3), I noted that there were no tags on the work being displayed and that I would go back and do a review. That has not been possible. The main reason I wanted to return was to personally confirm what I had heard about what transpired with the work of two artists.

These two artists pulled their work out of the show well before its closing, for different reasons that I will not go into here, both having to do with significant and unusual problems with the gallery, one unresolved. This should have never happened. S#3 is open by appointment only. I've attempted to contact the number on the card I was given, left message, and no response.  

These are not the only problems reported concerning S#3, but this is not and will never be a gossip blog. Art Taco is not interested in spanking S#3 or putting the gallery down. On the contrary, we want S#3 to step up and succeed in every way and becoming a vibrant member of the arts community -- and Midtown, the community it is  a part of.
One of the principals has privately assured me that there are changes taking place to remedy these problems.

St. Petersburg is not a large city. The Arts community is relatively small. Everyone knows everyone, or soon will. This closeness can lead to cronyism, resentments, cliques, and familial types of dysfunction. These problems are not exclusively our own. They happen to some degree in most arts communities, but are exacerbated by the size of the arts community here and the current economic climate. If we desire a better future, each of us is going to have to do his part, individually and collectively.

--- Luis

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