The cover and an article inside on the Warehouse Arts District (WAD), with WAD-istas photographed onstage at the Venture Compound. Notice Duncan let his picture be taken.
Best quotes from the article:
From Jesse Vance: "We want artists to stay in Saint Pete, and we want people to buy their shit."
Brad Kokay: "We want to open their minds like a can of corn."
Jesse Vance: "If you can't have a good time without substances..."
From T. Hampton Dorman: "It's what you see in in creative commerce books. It's a case study playing out in real time". (Quoting Richard Florida's decade-old study, published as The Creative Class.)
Inside, Blue Lucy's Signs show got picked as one of the weekend must-gos
Congratulations to the WADistas and to Blue Lucy. A year ago, I was one of the first to review the Venture Compound. Glad to see CL giving them some love.
--- Luis
just finished my short film about the wad late last night and wake up to the wad in creative loafing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sTvKZyxGm94