Saturday, February 25, 2012

Backbone @ Collective

Painting by Landon Richmond, model: Allie Wesenberg

This show featured the paintings of Landon Richmond and the fashions of Joanna Colbentz -- together. Many of the paintings were coupled with models in tableaux in poses similar to them. 

On the left is a perfect example. Model Allie Wesenberg  (in her own painted frame) mirrors the pose of the figure in the "Help" painting by Landon Richmond.

Work by Landon Richmond

The paintings were dramatic surreal scenes with figures in emphatic poses and situations. Several had the theme of reaching for something.

Work by Landon RIchmond, Model: Dana Meeks

On the left is a painting by Landon Richmond, of a girl wearing her hearts on her  sleeveless arm. Model Dana Meeks had her hearts tied to her arms, and viewers could snip off one of them as a Gothic kind of Valentine.

Here's what the hearts looked like. These were strewn around Ms. Meek's feet.

On the right is model Frank Cipriani posing in a surreal background painting on the gallery wall.

On the left is the work by Landon Richmond, below, the tableau.

 Congratulations to Landon, all of the models, to Joanna Coblentz [Link], and to Collective for an unusual show.

--- Luis

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