Thursday, May 30, 2013

This After Earth Weekend, May 30th-Jun 2nd.

The monsoons seem to be getting fairly regular now...Light fare this weekend...


The Pangea Project: Baptizer - A former mental patient turned militant survivalist, Baptizer has experimented with sound in artistic isolation for two decades. Now his work begins to see the light of day with a premier label release. "Signs ov Apocalypse" is Baptizer's contemplation of the imminent social and political turmoil that will result from this era of globalization and Empire. Drawing from a multitude of sound sources such as the words of David Koresh, sounds of the 9/11 aftermath, and readings from Revelations, Baptizer blends eclectic sound experimentation with harsh noise, delving into shades of power electronics along the way toward desolation.

Starts @ 8:00 PM. 2621 Fairfield Ave S. Saint Petersburg. Thursday March 30th.


DJ Redtape, Mike Rozak @ Cycle Lounge - Thursday, May 30th. 2315 Central Ave. Starts @ 10 PM. Thirsty Thursday.


 Alexander and the Grape Machine @ Venture Compound -

PRETTY & NICE (Boston, MA)



JENSEN SERF CO. (St. Petersburg, FL):

8:00pm, $6, All ages! Friday, May 31st.

 2621 Fairfield Ave S. Saint Petersburg.




Gettysburgh Diorama @ Nuance Galleries Tampa - A 15 ft diorama of war scenes. Talks with reenactors, etc. all at Nuance Galleries, 804 S Dale Mabry Tampa. 12:30-2:00 PM Tampa.

Master Quilters at Dunedin Fine Art Center - Joe Cunningham and Betty Busby will show and teach their quilts and techniques in a two day workshop. 

All at DFAC, 1143 Michigan Blvd. Dunedin


Brandon Marshall @ Empouria

Empouria is a nice watering hole on third st in downtown St Petersburg. One of its large walls has become a satellite gallery for the Studio @ 620. This was its second exhibit, a one man show by Brandon Marshall.

Brandon is a young emerging artist whose work had been recently seen in Saint Paint's 420 group show where a rare figurative work in the form of a marijuana leaf was shown. All of the work in the Empouria show is abstract. Some of it uses upcycled materials, all of it is heavily textured and quite colorful.

Brandon Marshall, "Untitled" 

In the work at left, Brandon uses a substrate of bubble wrap, which he then breaks up with square and rectangular bits. The tensions generated in the spontaneous breaks in symmetry give this mixed media work its strength.

This mixed media piece is made largely of silicone caulking. Yes, caulking, which give it some three dimentionality, a rich texture and well-defined lines. Marshall told me that he is a self-made artist, with no art education background. The only influence he mentioned was Jackson Pollock. The caulking is an extremely durable material, literally able to withstand a hurricane. The artist's house was literally blown away during a storm, but he found the work in trees, under debris etc, and most of it survived (!).

Brandon Marshall

Opening night at Empouria

Congratulations to Brandon Marshall, Empouria and 620 for a good show.

Empouria is located at 29 3rd St. North, Sun-Fri opens at 4 PM.

--- Luis

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

C. Emerson closes to do Art fairs only.

One of the top galleries on either side of the Bay has closed. Owner Lori Johns will be devoting her energies to the Art Fairs. C. Emerson was one of the longest-running privately owned galleries in St. Pete. It was known for edgy yet solidly grounded shows that brought out many of the top talents in the area and many from the outside. C. Emerson will be missed.

 However, Lori Johns will not. Of all the people in the arts that I have known in the Bay Area, Lori was/is the meanest and craziest of them all -- by far. She ladled out the venom freely whenever she had more than five minutes. People's private, innermost secrets, mistakes, etc. were unloaded.  Hateful, cynical, spiteful, delusional, demeaning, picking equally on people who thought they were her friends (myself included), artists (including many she had shown) and other gallery owners, no one caused more corrosion in the Saint Petersburg arts scene than Lori Johns. She can still be seen spreading poison and BS on Facebook on a regular basis.

Bye bye, C. Emerson.

--- Luis

eve N odd's CANNED Art Show Coming June 8th!

(from Jennifer Kosharek...)

Jennifer Kosharek's eve-N-odd gallery is thrilled to bring the CANNED art show to St. Petersburg, FL! 
 There will be many local favorites, national, and even some international taking part in this OPEN call for CANNED art! 
Many graffiti artists putting their art on empty spray paint cans. It's a growing trend and people collect them.  The gallery has been getting a wide variety of styles and mediums for this show... it is going to be a eclectic collection of work--all done on a spray paint can. 
eve-N-odd continually has art shows that anyone can enter from the young to the old, the professional to the novice.  We aim to bring art to the masses with affordable pricing and variety. 
Our next group call, that is open to anyone is the call for FRANK ZAPPA mail art!  Entries are due August 1st.  With a show opening for the August art walk.  More information can be gathered for that show at or 
Please join us for the opening at the eve-N-odd gallery, 645 Central Ave.#11, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.  JUNE 8th, artwalk, from 8-10 pm. 


Friday, May 24, 2013

Seen: Open House @ Susan Gott Glass

From an open house at Susan Gott Glass in Seminole Heights...

The studio is the building on the left, the artist's house is on the right.

Susan Gott showing a boy the ways of blown glass...

The tropical-feeling showrooms are surrounded by plants and a garden. Lots of beautifully crafted glassworks on display. The mimosas kept me busy...

--- Luis

Guest Blog: Yellowjacket Press Party 2013

YellowJacket Press held their fourth annual 'Poetry Month After Party' in St. Petersburg this year.
     On a beautiful Friday evening, 7 pm, May 17, 2013, over 50 people gathered on the brick surface of the Snell-Williams Courtyard on Second St. South, just north of Sixth Ave South.
     The 'After Party' also honored Meryl Statford, author of 'The Magician's Daughter' which won the 2013 YellowJacket Press poetry contest.
     Gianna Russo (who runs YellowJacket Press) and Thomas Hallock of USF St. Petersburg, gave welcoming remarks and were followed by poetry from Michael Bates, Melanie Hubbard, Therese Tappouni, Gloria Munoz, and Peter Meinke. Meryl Statford ended the evening by reading her contest-winning poetry.
     The suggested donation of five dollars went to benefit the 501-C3 YellowJacket Press (
      Jeanne Meinke, a line artist whose art has appeared in national publications provided  line art of the Victorian-style Snell House for the printed program.
     Therese Tappouni appeared earlier in the day for a radio interview on Jo Ellen Schilke's 'Art In Your Ear' show on WMNF, 88.5 FM, Tampa (
      Pre-event music was performed by the trio of 'Inkhorn".
--- Malcom Johnson

Thursday, May 23, 2013

This Hangover III Weekend, May 23rd - 25th

Day by day, it is getting hotter. Thunderheads build up during the day around the horizon. Monsoon rains will soon be with us. Mosquitoes already are. The local storms seem to be quieting.


Please join us for the Opening Reception of the 2013 Artlink Transition Exhibition at the Mahaffey Theater on Thursday, May 23, from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm. Five Artlink teams will exhibit the artwork they have produced during this five-month long collaborative project. Each team consists of a local professional artist and a Creative Clay Transition program artist apprentice. The following teams will present their work:

Asani N. & Vivian Bowman
Cassandra H. & Judith Salmon
Michael R. & Julie Price
Kayla F. & Zach Thompson
Ryan W. & Rose Marie Prins

This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served and a cash bar will be available.

Sponsored by:
The Darden Foundation, The Able Trust, Bank of America, The Mahaffey Theater, Class Acts & The Bill Edwards Foundation for the Arts. 

 Focus is on storytelling, fiction, and other longer forms of writing. No poetry! Come read your finest prose or simply enjoy the work of talented local wordsmiths.

Doors at 7 p.m. Event starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 23rd.

Featured readers and storytellers:

Jeff Strand, author (

Beth Adele Long, author/actress  


Wearable Art Show and Sale @ Madeira Beach - Start with an inner tube and a few yards of cloth... and end up with clothing, masks, jewelry, etc. Saturday, May 25th at Madeira Beach, at Madeira Way and 150th ave. Saturday hrs - 2-7 PM, Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday. Free admission.


Last year as part of The Studio@620's birthday celebration, Studio members were invited to participate in the first annual Members Only Art Show. Artistic Director Bob Devin Jones selected three artists from those who exhibited in that event. Those three artists, Laura Monk, Cassidy Routh, and Jeff Wilcox, were invited to comprise the first Director's Choice group exhibition. This group show will be on display May 23-30, 2013 with an opening reception on Friday May 24th from 6-9 PM. Admission is free and open to the public. Artwork will be on display during gallery hours, Tuesday-Saturday from 12-4 PM.


SUNDAY, MAY 26 1-4

Your $10 Tour Guide is also your schedule, so pick one up at:
Domain (3129 Beach Blvd S)
Beach Bazaar (3115 Beach Blvd S)
Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce (4926 22nd Ave S)
T & Me (Art Village Courtyard)

On the days of the Tour, you can also buy them at:
The Longhouse (2309 49th Street S)
City of Imagination (2726 54th Street S)

There are 19 venues and many more artists

Jennifer Kosharek will be live painting a Van!



Circus! The Photographs of Fredrick W. Glasier - Circus pictures at the Tampa Bay History Center, 801 Old Water St. Tampa. $12.95 admission. Open through August 4.


The 5.25 Show @ Cafe Hey - Five artists. 25 pieces of art each at $25. At cafe Hey, 1540N. Franklin St. Tampa Free admission. Saturday, May 24th, @ 7:00 PM.

Crafty Fest @ Artpool - Saturday and Sunday May 25th-26th. At 2030 Central Ave St. Pete.
Art, Crafts, Handmade, Locally Designed, Vintage Clothing, & Antiques Market
Shop local and buy handmade and support Tampa Bay artists at ARTpool.

The show will run from 10am - 5pm. Setup for vendors is from 8am-10am the morning of the event. Two day vendors may leave there items but ARTpool is not liable or responsible for items left as it is up to the vendor and we do not hold personal insurance for individuals or their products.
Vendors must bring their own table(s), chair, table cloth, all display items. When reserving a Full 10x10 space you are more then welcome to bring a 10x10 pop up tent. The show is outside, don't forget sunscreen. Shop local, shop indie, shop ARTpool! Shop! 

The Mindy Solomon Gallery is proud to present the work of British ceramic phenomenon Gareth Mason May 25-June 29, with an Opening Night Reception Saturday, May 25th from 6-9pm and Artist's Talk at 6:30pm. Bringing his wildly inventive sculptural forms to MSG, this is Mason's first solo exhibition in the Southeast United States. Combining material elements of a seemingly incongruent nature, Mason creates three-dimensional masterworks with a nod to Abstract Expressionism.

Mindy Solomon Gallery is located at 124 2nd Ave. NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. The gallery is open Wednesday-Saturday from 11am-5pm. For more information, please contact the gallery at or 727-502-0852.


Friday, May 17, 2013

This Into Darkness Weekend, May 17th-19th 2013.


Closing reception for Mentiri @ Bleu Acier -


BLEU ACIER Inc. 109 West Columbus Drive  Tampa FL 33602



Persistence of Memory Memoir Writing - Kickstart Your Memoir 
May 21, 2013 (Tuesday)
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Margo Hammond, former book editor of the St. Petersburg Times and founder of the Creative Late Bloomers blog, conducts writing workshops using specific Dali paintings and writings as catalysts for memoir writing. After studying the paintings in class, participants are encouraged to mine their own pasts, particularly their childhoods, refine those memories and artistically transform them into a story that reflects their personal experiences - just as Dali did both on the canvas and on paper. Beginners and non-writers welcome.

Registration is required. Sign up at The price for Dali members has been drastically reduced to $35, so it's a good time to think about joining the museum. The cost for non-members is $65. Art Taco readers, however, can benefit from a $10 discount off the non-member price by contact Bethany Mead, Education Coordinator at or all her at 727-623-4730 and ask for the discount. The discount doesn't apply to the lower member price. 


Various Specifics, Works by Morean Mixed Media Class, group IX @ Gallery 221 HCC Dale Mabry  - Katherine Gibson brings Betsy Orbe Lester and the work of eight of her students to this show. The show is already up. There's a reception on May 23rd, Friday, from 5-7 PM. Through June 27th. All at 4001 W. Tampa Bay Blvd. Tampa. On 2nd floor of the library.

Collectors Seminar

by William K. Zewadski
& Robert "Pancho" Sanchez

Richard Renaldi, Aaron, Liberal, KS 

Friday, May 17th at 7 p.m.
Members FREE, 
  Not-Yet Members $10   
Find out how two regional collectors of photography got started! Attorneys Bill Zewadski and Pancho Sanchez have been collecting photographs for decades.  They will explain their reasons for collecting photography, how it can be affordable for most household budgets, and even which galleries to contact. During this program they will explain their private passions and showcase their personal collections. 
The Tampa Collector's Show and Vivian Maier Out of the Shadows will be on view until June 16th, 2013, at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts.

400 N. Ashley Drive
Cube 200
Tampa, FL 33602


Blowout Sale @ The Morean - 

  • 50% off ALL art glass by David Spurgeon, Pauli Maiville and Douglas Taylor. Special pricing on all other merchandise. Open 12-5pm all three days. Do not miss this opportunity to own beautiful, hand-blown and don't forget LOCAL, glass art at an unbeatable price!

    Come see us at the Glass Studio & Hot Shop! 719 Central Avenue (corner of 1st Ave. N and 7th Street)



Join us for the Cuban Cultural Fest's inaugural year May 18 and 19, 2013.

The Cuban Cultural Fest was establish to celebrate the rich heritage and traditions of the Island nation that have been nurtured and kept alive by Cuban Americans living in the Tampa Bay area. This festival will showcase talented Cuban artists and performers in a cultural celebration that introduces the people of Tampa Bay to an exciting world of talent and culture.

If you thrive on mouth-watering cuisine; if music and dance keep your heart pumping; if great art touches your soul; if you want your kids to learn to groove; and if you want to roll your own cigars, then join the party at the Cuban Cultural Fest!!

We have something for everyone.

Cuba is perhaps the most enigmatic nation in the Americans. Come to our event and get to know what Cuban culture is all about- music, dancing, food and art, and let's not forget the cigars!!!

Admission is not free, but I couldn't find out how much the tickets are. Their link isn't working.


Raise a Toast to The Pier Party - The Pier is about to be closed and demolished (barring last-minute miracles) to make room for The Lens. This is the party to say good-bye to our familiar inverted pyramid. VIP tickets sold out. Otherwise it is free. Join LocalShops1 and the Patch as we celebrate The Pier.

Our daylong celebration will feature local artists, water ski shows, bagpipes,children's activities, live entertainment and more.

At 6 pm, the evening festivities will begin, including celebrity sunset toasts and the Ultimate Pier Cocktail contest! The evening portion will be emceed by legendary TV newsman Arch Deal.

Three of The Pier restaurants -- Cha Cha Coconuts Tropical Bar & Grill, Fresco’s Waterfront Bistro and Jonny Reno’s Waterfront Restaurant & Watering Hole – will each create what they say is the Ultimate Pier Cocktail. The cocktails will be judged with the popular vote as well as celebrity judges, including radio and television personality Nancy Alexander


"Art on The Bay" is Kokol Arts Studio & Gallery's 1st Annual Student Artist's Showcase - a collection of more than 40 original works from her adult art students. Oil, Acrylic, Mixed Media and Pencil will line the walls of the Kokol Arts Studio & Gallery.

Satisfy your palette, interact with the artists, and enjoy wine, beer and hors d'oeuvres.

This event might even inspire your own creative desires!

Cost: FREE
Complimentary Valet Parking

Sponsored by: Four Corners Custom Frame Gallery. All at

3318 West Bay to Bay Blvd, Tampa, Florida 33629
From 5-8 PM. Saturday, May 18th.

Art Exhibit at Bluelucy Gallery

Participating Artists: Daniel Mrgan, Coralette Damme, Robert Phelps, Dan Lasata, Phillip Clark, Adam T, Chad Mize, Stephen Palladino, and Laura Spencer

MIXED BAG Exhibit will run May 18 - June 15. All at 653 Central Ave. St. Pete. 6-11 PM.

Luau Beach Art Party - Marina Williams and her crew bring La Vida Tiki back with TWO pools, bathing suit shows, art, no less than 30 craft beers for the suds connoisseurs, and much more. All for only $10.00 admission. 2030 Central Avenue St. Pete. Saturday, May 18, starting @ 8 PM.


On judging the work/artist. Comparing to others and Love.

In my own work, it doesn't matter. The reason is that at any given time I can only do what *I* do. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing, I am locked into my own consciousness, abilities, etc on any given day. I am what and who I am, and this is the source of my meager, rarely shown output. To me, being "best" "average" or "worst" is meaningless. It adds nothing to the experience. We are not fatted calves to be worshipped, and art is not a game, with rules and points that define who wins and loses. It is far more than that.

In my writing about art, this philosophy abides. It is an exploration of art and artists, and it is all about my unbridled love for both. Remember the story about Basquiat, Mark? I loved that story, and because I know you and remembered your love for him, as I heard it from you-know-who I was desperately making notes in my head so I could remember it well when I told you because I knew you would love it, love being the operant word.

There are my personal favorites, sometimes people, sometimes work that on any given day connect with my own personal chemistry, make me feel the wind of creativity and genius and will blow me away, but I understand all too well that my prejudices are not universal yardsticks for anything, only the taste from my own pipe. I know enough about humanity and art history to know that whatever is touted today may not be what gets praise tomorrow. I see and speak with a large number of artists, off the record and personally. Yes, there are competitive ones, very social ones, lone wolves and community minded ones, to name a few. In my own experience, t is insecurity that breeds contempt. Make peace with who you are and what you do. One of the recent targets in the ongoing St. Pete saga/moment late one night after too many drinks, stretched out over the bar at the Sake Bomb next to me said, "in the end we are family". This is our Tribe. We do what we do not because it is easy or hard, but because we can't help loving it. This is not the way to get the beautiful house, beautiful wife and beautiful car, although some will. No one comes closest to understanding who you are or what you are doing than other artists.

--- Luis 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Guest Blog from Malcom Johnson

One point about Second Saturday is that the art destinations have doubled (and are still growing), but the number of visitors has not. The next big need is to have more marketing/promotion for ALL of those art locations.  
    I give the Tourist /Convention Bureaus mostly high marks, but now they need to start concentrating on promoting specific areas,such as the thirty-plus blocks of Central Ave. that have all of these art spots and a dedicated trolley system to move people from one area to another. Since the Bureaus are spending bed tax money, they usually produce diffused, generic advertising rather than pinpointing specific areas that can even benefit business's that are out of the immediate advertising area.  Why can't tourist ads be put in 'Art News', 'American Artist', etc. This is directly reaching out to an art audience that would love to come to St. Petersburg, once they knew how much is here (most cities would kill to have an Arts District that is 30-plus blocks long.
    Another idea is to use off-season condo rentals (approximately May through September to attract art fans who would want to actually live in St. Petersburg for several months to see art places, or to even have months long arts classes designed for them. Marketing/Promotion is now becoming the name of the game. 
--- Malcom Johnson
(A special note of thanks to Malcom --- Luis) 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Art On Spray Can Show @ eve N odd Gallery.


Please send your spray can art to
eve-N-odd gallery
645 Central Ave. #11
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
DUE JUNE 1st, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Seen: Mainsail 2013

A few pictures from the 2013 Mainsail...

Lance Rodgers, "Wet Kiss"

Lance Rodger's romantic "Wet Kiss" painting of two drenched lovers with wildly er... pounding surf behind them was pure passion unbridled.

All work by Susan Gott Glass

A small section of Susan Gott's cast glass work.

"Rogue Gallery",  by Scott Coulter from Sarasota, is a rarity: A painting about graffiti and the art impulse that lies behind both.

Work by Ummarid Eitharong

This is not what one might expect from Orlando's Ummarid Eitharong. For a long time his work has been more realist than this. I spoke with him and he told me it was time for a change for him, to do work more direct from the subconscious, with freer forms.

Ernesto Piloto-Marquez has been reviewed several times in this blog. His work, among other things, is intimately connected with the relationship between us, money, and ultimately each other. He is one of a handful of local artists who integrates the written word and image in a synergistic manner.

Donna Gordon, sculptress and gallerist brought her fine, luxurious bronzes to the show.

All work by Donna Gordon

The 2nd Saturday Problem

There are twenty-five galleries that will be open tonight for this monthly event. Over a maximum of four hours. Let's do the math: That's 240 minutes over 25 places. Comes out to a little over nine minutes per gallery, without counting travel time. 

The only way to hack this is to prioritize, and not take the trolley, which is infernally slow to show up.

Narrow it down to ten galleries, and you have 15 min at each plus travel time. Possible....

The Lilacs are late this year. Twilight in Wonderland.

Wonderland looks bigger than it is, but never lets you forget it is a small town.

 "The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you are doing, someone else does." --- Emmanuel Kant.

I don't list my address in Wonderland, but I live a binary existence, like a physicist's cat. Look for me and I can be in either place, sometimes simultaneously.

It was the original internet, except with an exquisite gradient of gesture and inflection that allowed for precision as well as deliberate crescendo and innuendo that dwarfs the written word. For something with no mass, I can tell you firsthand its impact defies the laws of of physics.

 She meant well, had no idea what would happen. Or maybe she did when relaying what "people are saying" trying to be helpful, to enlighten about propriety and convention, doing so unwittingly at a frequency that shattered glass.

I love landscapes, and am presently working on a series. A life, like an image, is composed, balanced. Move and perspective changes. Forcibly shift one or more elements within or near the frame know.

Everything matters.

My landscape has changed.

--- Luis

“Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies.”
Jane Austen

Friday, May 10, 2013

Seen/Scene: Two Art Divas

In the Crislip Arcade I ran into artists Mishou Sanchez (currently on a plane on her way to do a mural out West!) and Mitzi Gordon of Bluebird Book Bus and MCA. Two of my favorite people.

Mishou Sanchez (l.) and Mitzi Gordon (r).

--- Luis

A very rare opportunity

Seen on FB:

I am looking for artists and or/retirees to work at the eve-N-odd gallery. You will make a 20% commission on every sale and 100% commission on your own sold artwork. I need people that can commit to a time and be there with a smiling face... or mostly happy. The normal business hours are 10-6 M-Friday, possible Saturday hours. Please inbox me if you are seriously interested. You can work at the gallery--painting, sewing, etc. It is a great way to get yourself and your art seen by the public--at no cost to you.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

This Lore Weekend, May 10th-12th.

It's a 2nd Saturday, so you know what that means. The weather should be nearly ideal.


Reed Altemus Vispo Show @ eve N odd Gallery - This unusual Visual Poetry show is a glimpse of something rarely seen in the area. It was reviewed here [Link] and is still up.

All at eve N odd gallery, 645 Central Avenue St. Pete. Open Saturday, from 6-8 PM.


Join us for a 24-hour reading of Salvador Dali's remarkable autobiography - "The Secret Life of Salvador Dali." Over 80 individuals from the local community will read over the course of 24 hours to complete the 417-page book. The reading will pause at midnight to toast the artist in celebration of the 109th anniversary of his birth.

Endurance Challenge: Stay for all 24 hours of the Read-A-Thon and you may WIN one of three luxurious prizes.

About The Secret Life:
Time magazine called it, "a wild jungle of fantasy, posturing, belly laughs, narcissist and sadist confessions." The book is superbly illustrated with over 80 photographs and scores of Dali drawings and sketches, and is for sale in the museum store for $14.95

Cost: Read-a-thon FREE during regular hours, $5 after 5pm FREE with purchase of "Secret Life." Gallery closed after 5pm; not included with event. FREE parking after 5pm; Snacks, beer, wine + coffee available.

VISIT: for event details! At the Dali Museum, 


Join us for a fun evening to help celebrate and support the Morean Arts Center!

Music, wonderful hands-on activites, beer/wine, fabulous auction prizes and don't forget about the Mac-n-Cheese!

Taste some of the BEST Mac-n-Cheese St. Pete has to offer! Help choose from several of the top restaurants in town and enjoy a night of fun and creativity.

Participating restaurants include: O'Bistro, St. Pete Brasserie, FitLife Foods, The St. Petersburg Yacht Club, Creative Catering and Fork & Cork Cafe - just to name a few!

Tickets are available for sale online, or in person at the Morean Arts Center
$25/person OR $45/couple
($30/person OR $50/couple at the door on May 10th)

Attendees will also get a sneak peek of our newest exhibition opening the following evening:
The Artist as Critic: Kurt Piazza, Denis Gaston

719 Central Avenue, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33701

Friday, May 9th

  • Partly Cloudy 88°F / 73°F
  • Spotlight on Brandon Marshall

    The Studio@620 is partnering with Empouria to present the "Artist Spotlight Series" featuring artwork by local artists on the walls of Empouria, located at 29 Third Street North in downtown St. Petersburg.

    Each spotlight exhibition will feature work from one artist who will be on hand during an artist reception to meet with people and talk casually about their work. Each solo spotlight show will be on display approximately one month. This partnership between The Studio and Empouria merges two visions that overlap, blending visual art and the art of beer.

    Join us at Empouria for the next exhibition in the spotlight series and meet the artist on Friday May 10th from 7-9 PM.

    29 3rd street north, Saint Petersburg, Florida 3370

  • Partly Cloudy 88°F / 70°F
  • This Saturday the Studio will be open for the Monthly Second Saturday Gallery Walk! I have moved to a new location in the Warehouse Arts District called "Soft Water Studios" Please Come by and check it out!
515 22nd Street South, Saint Petersburg, Florida ________________________________________________________________

  • Partly Cloudy 86°F / 70°F

  • The Duncan McClellan Gallery is pleased to present five amazing glass artists from the renowned Washington Glass Studio and School.

    Sean Hennessey, resident artist at the Washington Glass School, uses a combination of glass, concrete, found objects, and steel to create works based mythologies, philosophy, personal experiences, and whimsy

    Tim Tate blends traditional craft with new media technology creating a framework for his artistic narrative.

    Erwin Timmers’, co-founder of the Washington Glass Studio and Washington Glass School, approach to art is multi-faceted, incorporating metalwork, innovative lighting, and glass design.

    Michael Janis, co-director and instructor at the Washington Glass School, integrates elements of light, color, and also sequence within his scenes, suspending them within layers of fused glass.

    Allegra Marquart, has integrated her background as a printmaker with that of a glass artist.

    Opening reception will feature glass blowing demonstrations.

    Beer, wine and refreshments are available for a donation benefiting the DMG School Project.

    In addition, the Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg will host an artist lecture from The Washington Glass Group on May 12, 2013 at 2:00pm. Immediately following the lecture, the public is invited to a reception at Duncan McClellan Gallery. 

    • Partly Cloudy 90°F / 72°F

    • Renowned Cuban Artist Makes First U.S. Visit in Tampa Bay
      Galerías Bohemia sponsors Alejandra Tejeda Mora and hosts “Identidad” exhibit.

      Meet Alejandro Tejeda Mora during Gallery Walk...
      More Information:

Bottega D' Arte Grand Opening -  Saturday, May 11th. 6-9 PM. @ 2036 Central Avenue. St. Pete.


Jessica Bizer: Gone All Day @ Basement Gallery - Paintings and installations, plus a dedication to the Pier. All at the Basement, Saturday, May 11th, 5-9 PM. 1000 Central Avenue.


Big Sea/Round House Creative Studio Grand Opening - Saturday, May 11th, 7 PM 1970 Central Ave. St Petersburg.


Happy Birthday, A Commentary on Fame @ Art Lofts -- Group Show, opens at 1 PM Saturday, May 11 with live music. Official opening is at 5 PM with refreshments. 10 5th ave N.

Mentiri: Doug McClure @ Bleu Acier - Small ink paintings, lithographs and paintings on linen. Closing reception Friday, May 17th, 5-8 PM. Open on Saturday, May 11th, 11 AM to 5 PM.
109 W. Columbus Dr. Tampa.

Kurt Piazza: Towards the edge of the invisible @ MAC - Sight  and sound at the Morean Art Center 719 Central. Opens Saturday, May 11th, 5-8 PM. Artist talks at 5:30 PM.

Ina Kaur: Ink Link @ HCC Ybor - Solo show of prints and installations at HCC Ybor Gallery. Opening reception is 4:30 - 7:30 May 16th. Free admission.
